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Rejuvenate Dry Winter Skin With One of Our Chemical Peels

Your skin goes through a lot, especially in exposed areas, such as your hands and face. By peeling away layers of skin, you can reveal healthier skin underneath. This can improve your complexion and resolve small aesthetic issues, such as dry skin, acne, and wrinkling. 

Allen Sapadin, MD, of Hackensack, New Jersey, offers three types of chemical peels, all of which have their own benefits. Depending on your needs, you can use one of these peels to make your face look brighter and healthier. 

The types of chemical peels

Your skin has layers, so chemical peels come in varying intensities. These different intensities affect different layers of your skin. There are three levels of chemical peels:

Light peel 

This is typically made of alpha-hydroxy acid or a similar substance. It works by removing the top layer of skin, reducing surface lines and improving skin tone. You can have one per month, and it's a simple procedure that can brighten your face. 

Medium peel 

This is the next step up. It uses trichloroacetic acid to remove two layers of skin, which reduces acne scars, wrinkles, and other blemishes. You can have a few of these every year. 

Deep peel

This is a serious peel that you can only have once in your life. It uses a strong chemical called phenol, and it removes three layers of your skin. While intense, it can completely change your face, removing wrinkles and more noticeable scars. 

The benefits of chemical peels 

Many people seek out skin peels because they're unhappy with the way their face looks. Chemical peels can improve the appearance of your face by reducing or eliminating: 

Depending on what issues you're experiencing, you might need a certain peel. You can talk to Dr. Sapadin to decide which one is best for you. 

Maintaining your skin after a peel

Once you've received your skin peel, you will need to maintain your skin and establish a care routine. You should wear sunscreen, wash your face, and moisturize regularly. 

Don't use harsh chemicals on your face shortly after a peel, and try to treat your skin gently. Make sure to wash off makeup at the end of the day, and don't pop pimples when they appear. 

If you're unhappy with the tone, texture, or appearance of your face, a chemical peel may be able to give you the skin you want. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Allen Sapadin, MD, today.

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