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Why Everyone Is Obsessed with Microneedling

Microneedling, Hackensack, New Jersey, Allen Sapadin, MD

Uneven skin texture, scars, fine lines and wrinkles, and sagging skin can all leave you feeling less than confident about your appearance. Cosmetic companies offer all kinds of treatment serums to try to address these concerns, but many people find the results unsatisfactory.

When you decide to take it a step further, many people consider chemical peels. But that may not be the best solution to achieve the results you want, either.

In this situation, a dermatologist can help you transform your skin into something fresh and glowing. The latest treatment everyone’s excited about is called microneedling. Medical and cosmetic dermatologist Allen Sapadin, MD, uses this technique to help create beautiful skin. Here’s what you need to know about this procedure and what to expect.

What is microneedling?

Those who have tried chemical peels or laser treatments are often good candidates for microneedling as well. Microneedling is a procedure that involves using a radio-frequency tool with very small needles to make tiny punctures in the skin on the face.

If it sounds painful, not to worry: patients are given a topical numbing agent before the procedure. Most patients report that it feels like a minor sting, rather than being seriously painful.

The procedure of poking tiny punctures in the face is repeated several times. By the end, it is common for your face to be red, possibly with small areas of bleeding. The micro-punctures stimulate your skin to begin making new collagen and elastin.

The healing process only takes a few days. Your face may be more pink than usual the day after the procedure, and completely back to normal within about four days. After the healing is complete, your skin looks plump, glowing, and rejuvenated.  

What is the benefit of microneedling?

Microneedling has a growing number of devotees because it really makes a difference. Both men and women are turning to the procedure to improve the appearance of their skin. Some of the reported benefits of microneedling include the following:

It’s important to note what microneedling can benefit, and what it cannot. It works best to smooth the skin’s surface from pockmarks and acne scars. It is not able to remove deep scars, such as from injuries that would have had stitches.

Another advantage of microneedling is in terms of your skin’s overall appearance are better than those of chemical peels. It has many similar benefits to a face lift in terms of making skin more taut and youthful-looking. But compared to plastic surgery, microneedling is less invasive and doesn’t require as much recovery time.

The process of microneedling also includes revascularization, which restores the function of the small blood vessels beneath the skin. As we age, skin loses collagen and less blood goes to the skin’s surface. Microneedling resolves these issues, making your skin look younger and more vibrant.

Most people find that the microneedling process needs to be repeated three or four times. Many patients get optimal benefits when microneedling is done in conjunction with Botox injections or dermal fillers.

Get more information about what microneedling can do for you by calling our office in Hackensack, New Jersey, or book an appointment online.  

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